Hello/How are you [Hello Hawaii] (Korean Ver)
I'd like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart
Vocal&Mix: Oh Mo-cha
I've lost all my weight because of the athletic meeting.ᅲᅲᅲ
but the bright skinᅲ
I really wanted to sing this song.
I opened it!!
(Please allow me to write the lyrics.)
Please tell me where the lyrics came from and write them down!)
-The lyrics-
Hello, I opened the window, and I muttered to myself very little.
How are you alone in a room with no one in it?
Morning morning is here. Rainy morning.
tik tok someone will wind the screw in me
Hello, did you have that kind of animation in the past?
How are you so envious that everyone loves you?
Don't be silly. We need to get ready.
To hide the teary tracks
"What can I do?"
The words that I said yesterday suddenly go through my head.
"Now I don't expect anything from you."
That's not even me.
I don't even expect it from myself,
What the hell are you going to do with that?
horses that kept coming up to their throats.
Everything that comes out of the mouth is a lie.
So today I'm still too valuable.
You're wasting your horses.
Why are you trying to hide it?
Is it scary to be laughed at?
You don't want to meet anyone?
Is that true?
I fell into a sea named "Aunt."
in breathless agony
I want to hear your voice.
You're so weak.
while preparing not to move in one direction.
I'm thinking with a hazy head.
"Now I'm going to take a break for any reason."
No, I know.
I've just said whatever comes to mind.
Don't be angry because you know.
Like happiness or unhappiness.
The morning sun rises equally and cruelly.
I'm the only one who can't live
I don't want anything more.
Why do you care?
Do you want to be loved?
Who let go of that hand?
Are you awake?
If there's a card in life called time,
What time is it going to be?
As much as I've ever been paid,
Who's going to pay for it?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for one more time.
with a loud cry from the bottom of one's heart
I want to say thank you.
Why are you trying to hide it?
Actually, do you want me to listen?
I'll never laugh at you.
Why don't you tell me?
If you don't open your mouth, we don't know.
Just thinking about it won't tell you.
What a nuisance!
Being human is not the only thing you.
Hello/How are you
Hello/How are you
See Original

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